Linkedin Outreach Guide

Top 10 Best LinkedIn Agencies

Published , Updated 10 mn
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LinkedIn has established itself as an essential channel for B2B companies seeking to boost their visibility, prospect new customers and consolidate their expertise. When it comes to developing a B2B marketing strategy, it’s hard to ignore LinkedIn these days! This social network, like all others, has its own codes, and it’s a good idea to enlist the help of a LinkedIn agency to help you master them.

But while many agencies have jumped on the LinkedIn bandwagon, not all are created equal. It’s hard to distinguish the wheat from the chaff, the real pros from the opportunistic agencies.

To help you sort through them, we’ve sifted through the market players and selected 10 LinkedIn agencies that really stand out from the crowd. Whether it’s taking charge of your content strategy, managing your advertising campaigns, developing your network or automating your prospecting, these agencies have all demonstrated their expertise and added value.

So, without further ado, here are our Top 10 best LinkedIn👇 agencies.

#1 Story Jungle

A LinkedIn Premium agency

linkedin story jungle agency

Story Jungle is one of 10 agencies worldwide to have been officially recognized by LinkedIn for its expertise in content creation. This is no mean feat, and speaks volumes about the agency’s high level of expertise. After that, Story Jungle is clearly not aimed at small businesses. We’re more of a “Premium” agency, which means we’re rather expensive.

Story Jungle has worked with over 200 brands, half of them CAC 40 companies. In all business sectors.

Story Jungle’s strengths:

  • A complete range of LinkedIn services: editorial audit, content strategy, creation and distribution of your LinkedIn posts, SEO optimization, community animation, performance measurement.
  • Recognized expertise in content marketing for premium targets.
  • Access to exclusive data and tools thanks to LinkedIn Content Partner certification.
  • An agency focused on results and ROI.

#2 Digimood

The LinkedIn agency with a data-driven approach

linkedin agency digimood

Armed with a solid data culture, Digimood helps companies of all sizes design and manage advertising campaigns on LinkedIn. Campaigns are adjusted on an ongoing basis, based on performance analysis, to maximize the ROI of our customers’ investments. If you’re looking to advertise on LinkedIn, Digimood is clearly a safe bet.

Digimood’s strengths :

  • An excellent mix of creativity and data analysis to maximize the performance of Linkedin Ads campaigns
  • A tailor-made approach to reflect your brand in the best possible way
  • An obsession with ROI
Passer un cap sur Linkedin Envie de passer un palier sur Linkedin? C'est pas insurmontable, mais c'est pas non plus évident. Le mieux, c'est de prendre le sujet au sérieux et de s'y former. Ça tombe bien, on a préparé une sélection des meilleures formations LinkedIn du moment.

#3 Oscar Black

A LinkedIn 360 agency

linkedin agency oscar black

Oscar Black is a certified LinkedIn agency that helps its customers generate leads and business through LinkedIn.

Unlike Digimood, Oscar Black doesn’t limit itself to advertising. This LinkedIn agency offers a complete range of services: profile and company page creation and optimization, content production, LinkedIn Ads campaign implementation and monitoring, etc. Oscar Black even offers training in Social Selling and personal branding.

The benefits of Oscar Black:

  • 360° support on LinkedIn: from strategy to operations
  • LinkedIn Ads Partner certification
  • A performance and ROI-oriented approach

Going further

Discover other Salesdorado Top Agencies that might interest you:

#4 Junto

The expert in LinkedIn Ads campaigns

agence linkedin junto

Junto is a 360° marketing agency with strong LinkedIn expertise. Certified LinkedIn Ads Partner, the agency has developed an in-house method for structuring and managing its clients’ accounts on the platform.

Thanks to its mastery of the 40 LinkedIn search filters, Junto is able to target its customers’ B2B audiences with extreme precision from among more than 800 million members, based on demographic criteria (demographics, location, interests, etc.) and professional criteria (job title, business sector, career path, etc.).

The agency supports its customers at every stage of their LinkedIn Ads campaigns, from audience definition to ongoing performance optimization, including the choice of the most relevant formats and in-depth analysis of results. His credo: maximize his customers’ return on investment by identifying the most profitable levers.

The advantages of the LinkedIn Junto agency:

  • A proven 4-phase methodology: research, testing, stabilization, growth
  • Expertise recognized by LinkedIn, which selected Junto for its LinkedIn Ads expertise
  • More than 400 marketing teams receive daily support
  • Customized, ROI-driven support, from strategy to ongoing optimization

#5 Noiise

The local LinkedIn Ads agency

linkedin noiise agency

With 6 branches in France’s biggest cities (Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Nantes, Lille and Aix-les-Bains), Noiise is the local agency with expertise in LinkedIn Ads. It helps companies create and optimize their advertising campaigns on the leading professional social network.

From the definition of your strategy to the creation of your visuals and advertising texts, including the configuration, monitoring and optimization of your campaigns, Noiise is with you every step of the way to make LinkedIn Ads a powerful lever in your marketing strategy. Noiise’s customers include EDF, Orange and LVMH, as well as startups and SMEs.

Noiise’s strengths :

  • A national presence with 6 branches in France’s largest cities
  • Recognized LinkedIn Ads expertise to support your strategy
  • Comprehensive support: consulting, campaign creation, management and optimization
  • Solid, diversified references: key accounts, SMEs, startups…

#6 Ads’up

A digital advertising agency with expertise in LinkedIn

agency linkedin ads up

If you’re looking to boost your presence on LinkedIn and turn this professional network into a real growth lever, Ads’Up is well worth a visit. Once again, we’re dealing with a LinkedIn agency focused on managing advertising campaigns rather than creating organic content.

What sets Ads’up apart is its in-depth knowledge of the specifics of LinkedIn Ads. Ad formats, targeting options, best practices: the agency masters all the workings of the platform to help you build the most relevant and effective strategy.

Another key asset is Ads’up’s data-driven approach. Each campaign is managed and optimized in real time, thanks to detailed performance analysis. The objective? Continuously adjust tactics to maximize your return on investment.

But Ads’up is also a team that listens to you, takes the time to understand your challenges and offers you tailor-made support. The agency benefits from excellent feedback on the relational aspect, which is the key to a good collaboration with a LinkedIn agency (as with any service provider).

The advantages of Ads’up :

  • Recognized expertise in LinkedIn Ads
  • Data-driven approach
  • 1 committed team that really listens to customers

#7 HelpIn

An expert in prospecting on LinkedIn

helpln linkedin agency

What makes this LinkedIn agency special? A 100% manual and personalized approach, the antithesis of the automation solutions that abound on the market. Here, no robots, but real salespeople who take the time to analyze your prospects and write tailor-made messages to initiate a relationship.

This homemade but devilishly effective method has already proved its worth. HelpIn, for example, boasts a response rate of 43.59% and an appointment conversion rate of 7.69% for one of its customers. Figures that speak for themselves!

Beyond pure prospecting, HelpIn can help you with your entire LinkedIn strategy: from optimizing your profile to making qualified appointments, and recommending partners for your overall digital strategy.

HelpIn’s strengths :

  • 100% manual, personalized prospecting for tenfold results
  • 360° support: profile optimization, prospecting, strategic recommendations
  • Rave customer feedback

#8 Staenk

The LinkedIn agency that supports you over the long term

linkedin staenk agency

The Staenk agency brings together some fifty webmarketing experts based in Lyon. Digital strategy, social networks, SEO, SEA, content marketing: Staenk has more than one string to its bow. In recent years, the agency has developed strong expertise in the number 1 professional social network: LinkedIn.

Thanks to its expertise in the various advertising formats offered by LinkedIn (Text Ads, Sponsored Content, Sponsored InMail, Display Ads…), the agency can help you choose the most appropriate for your objectives: generate traffic, develop your brand awareness, generate qualified BtoB leads…

But Staenk’s approach goes far beyond simple consulting. The agency will support you from A to Z in implementing your LinkedIn Ads strategy: from defining objectives to analyzing results, from configuring your account to setting up campaigns and even writing ads!

For each campaign, you benefit from daily monitoring, regular optimization and comprehensive monthly reporting. The aim: to ensure that your LinkedIn ads generate the best possible return on investment.

Staenk’s strengths :

  • Technical and creative mastery of different ad formats
  • Methodical, comprehensive approach, from strategy to performance analysis
  • Constant focus on optimizing customer ROI
  • Its positioning as a “human-scale” agency with a focus on local relationships

#9 Linkforce

The personal branding agency 100% focused on LinkedIn

linkedin linkforce agency

Linkforce’s secret? A data-driven approach that combines prospecting, communication and training to create real leverage for your business.

Linkforce’s strength also lies in its ability to support you throughout your LinkedIn communication strategy. From the optimization of your profile to the creation of engaging content and the implementation of a customized editorial line, the agency does everything in its power to enhance your brand and increase your visibility with your audience.

The icing on the cake: Linkforce also offers training courses to help you become more proficient and autonomous on LinkedIn. The objective? Give you the keys to an optimal LinkedIn presence so you can continue to develop your network and generate long-term business opportunities.

Linkforce’s strengths :

  • Proven prospecting methodology, combining data and personalized communication
  • 360° support to optimize your entire LinkedIn presence
  • A training offer to strengthen your in-house skills
  • A culture of performance and concrete business results

#10 Growth Room

LinkedIn’s growth marketing agency

linkedin growth room agency

Based in Paris, Growth Room has built up solid expertise in managing LinkedIn advertising campaigns. It helps companies optimize their presence on the professional social network, with a clear objective: to generate more qualified leads, at the best possible cost.

Beyond technical expertise, Growth Room stands out for its strategic approach. Before embarking on the creative process, the agency takes the time to understand your challenges and objectives. She then advises you on the most suitable formats and the most effective messages to capture your audience’s attention.

The advantages of this LinkedIn agency:

  • Technical expertise and mastery of LinkedIn Ads levers
  • Its data-driven approach
  • A culture of excellence and a determination to go the extra mile
  • Customized support and proximity to customers

What is a LinkedIn agency?

A LinkedIn agency is a service provider specialized in supporting companies on the world’s largest professional social network. Its mission is to help you optimize your presence on LinkedIn to boost your visibility, engage your audience and generate business opportunities.

LinkedIn agencies are rarely pure players. In most cases, these are web agencies or digital advertising agencies that have developed in-depth expertise in LinkedIn over the years.

In concrete terms, a LinkedIn agency works on several complementary fronts:

  • Defining your LinkedIn strategy: taking into account your market, your targets and your objectives, the agency helps you define the positioning to adopt on the network, the objectives to pursue and the performance indicators to monitor.
  • Optimizing your company pages and profiles: your LinkedIn pages and profiles are your brand’s showcase. An agency can help you optimize them to make them more attractive and engaging.
  • Producing and distributing content: to exist on LinkedIn, you need to regularly publish value-added content. An agency can help you define an editorial line adapted to your targets, create content and manage the publication schedule.
  • Advertising management: to reach a qualified audience beyond your first circle, it’s often necessary to sponsor content. LinkedIn agencies can help you design and manage your LinkedIn Ads campaigns.
  • Community management: a successful LinkedIn presence also involves engaging your community. Some LinkedIn agencies offer “community management” services and can delegate the management of your LinkedIn accounts.

5 wise old tips for choosing your LinkedIn agency

#1 Evaluate their LinkedIn skills

First and foremost, make sure the agency you’re targeting is fully conversant with LinkedIn. Scrutinize their own network presence:

  • Is their company page optimized and active?
  • Do their employees have up-to-date, well-informed profiles?
  • Is the content they publish relevant and engaging?

It’s a good indicator. An agency that can’t effectively manage its own LinkedIn presence will be hard pressed to help you get the most out of the network.

#2 Check out their portfolio

To get a concrete idea of the quality of the agency’s work, take a look at their portfolio. Ask them to present some of their most emblematic creations.

  • How have they helped their customers boost their LinkedIn presence?
  • What tactics did they actually use?
  • What results did they achieve?

agency linkedin portfolio

#3 Contact former agency clients

To go further than the portfolio, don’t hesitate to contact some of the agency’s customers directly. It’s always an opportunity to get unfiltered feedback on the quality of their work and support. You’ll get a clearer picture of how the agency works on a day-to-day basis.

Exchanging views with former agency clients enables us to assess a number of important aspects: the level of customer satisfaction with the service, the agency’s respect for commitments, its ability to listen and its responsiveness throughout the project, as well as the generation of concrete results.

#4 Ask the agency the right questions

When dealing with the agency, don’t just listen to their fine words. Challenge them with specific requests to assess their expertise and how well they match your needs. Ask them to detail the strategy they recommend for achieving your goals on LinkedIn, and the KPIs they propose to track.

You can also find out what tools and resources they have in-house. By pushing them to the limit, you’ll quickly see how solid their expertise is, and whether they can offer you a truly personalized approach. It’s a great way to separate the wheat from the chaff.

#5 Find a LinkedIn agency that understands and knows your field

To be truly effective, your LinkedIn agency must have a good knowledge of your industry. This is essential for creating relevant content, targeting the right prospects and adopting the right tone in your communications. In your search, give preference to agencies that already have experience in your field or in related fields.

Explore their websites and case studies: have they worked for companies similar to yours? Are they familiar with your industry’s issues and jargon?

An agency that speaks your language will be better able to understand your challenges and support you effectively!

Take the time to evaluate the agencies you consult. But above all, trust your intuition. The ideal agency won’t just be the one that ticks all the technical boxes, but also the one with whom you feel in tune and with whom you can envisage a long-term collaboration. Good interpersonal chemistry is often the key to a successful partnership.

Going further

To find out more, discover 2 great prospecting tools on LinkedIn and a complete guide to LinkedIn Pods (discussion groups):

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