CRM software

Our review of Nomination

Nomination is a tool for identifying more qualified leads and enabling you to contact them directly or launch highly targeted campaigns. It's a powerful solution for both sales intelligence and prospecting. Designed for B2B salespeople, it's primarily a prospecting tool, but can also be used to gain considerable efficiency on existing accounts.

Last updated on 7 mn
Profile picture for Axel Lavergne

Axel Lavergne

Co founder and chief editor

Axel is one of Salesdorado's co-founders. He's also the founder of, a review management tool for B2B SaaS companies

My opinion

Customer reviews

  • Impressive data quality
  • Intuitive interface with powerful advanced filters
  • Excellent value for money
  • Some missing features
  • Expensive enough for small organizations
  • Unsuitable for international markets

Ideal for B2B sales representatives looking for a powerful sales prospecting tool

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4.7 / 5
Our opinion
4.8 / 5
(6 reviews)

Are you looking for a tool to identify more qualified leads and enable you to contact them directly or launch highly targeted campaigns? Nomination, a French company, has developed a powerful solution for both sales intelligence and prospecting. Designed for B2B salespeople, it’s primarily a prospecting tool, but can also be used to gain considerable efficiency on existing accounts. That’s why we’ve decided to share our opinion of Nomination with you.

My opinion on Nomination in brief

Perimeter Score My opinion
Overall rating 4,7 Nomination is a powerful sales intelligence and prospecting tool. It provides detailed organization charts for most French companies, and email & telephone contacts for the decision-makers you want to target. The tool can also be used to launch very precise email campaigns. All in all, it’s a powerful tool for optimizing your sales prospecting.
Commercial intelligence 4,8 The Nomination tool provides a detailed, up-to-date organization chart for most major French companies. If you want to attack an account, the tool will suggest entry points by analyzing your personal network and that of your colleagues. As far as data quality is concerned, it’s quite impressive: you have access to a goldmine of information. The tool also features alerts that go far enough to be notified when a target is mentioned in the press, promoted to a new position, or announces that he or she will be speaking at a conference.
Commercial prospecting 4,7 When it comes to prospecting, Nomination offers powerful advanced filters: Function, Sector, Company type, Profile type, Geography. Another very interesting feature is the tool’s ability to filter according to signals (acquisition, fundraising, new sites, etc.). Once you’ve made your selection, you can contact each of your leads by email or telephone in just two clicks. A pop-up menu allows you to qualify the call for memo.
Customer service 4,7 Customer support is available Monday to Friday in French. A chat module is always available on the application, making it easy to ask a question. When support is not immediately available (within a few hours), you receive the answer by email, and directly in the application. Quite classic, but effective.
Functional depth 4,8 Quite frankly, we were blown away by the depth of the data available, and the intelligence with which the tool proposes to exploit it. We regret a few features, such as the automatic import of our linkedin profile, but the tool is very powerful and effective.
Integrations 4,6 Nomination has developed a powerful Salesforce connector that enables all the tool’s intelligence (organization charts, etc.) to be embedded directly in the Salesforce interface. The lead search and addition tool is also available directly in the CRM. We recommend this approach for proven sales organizations, as it limits the number of interfaces you need to master, and enables you to keep very precise track of your sales actions.
Value for money 4,7 Nomination has two main offerings: Sales Intelligence – a prospecting tool with Push to CRM to Salesforce option – and Smart Mailing – a campaigning tool. Nomination also offers three other services: two CRM connectors that let you put all Nomination information into your CRM (Microsoft Dynamics, or Salesforce), and a data cleaning offer that lets you clean & enrich your databases.

Optimize your B2B prospecting with Nomination’s sales intelligence module

Based on the principle that cold calls are becoming less and less effective, Nomination offers you an intelligent prospecting tool to better engage your prospects. This “Sales Intelligence” solution is built around the following functionalities.

Organization chart for each company

Nomination’s intelligent sales assistant is based on a database of qualified decision-maker contacts, enabling you to identify relevant prospects in great detail. The first step is to obtain a detailed organization chart of the target account. As you can see above, this will enable you to identify the right contact person by studying the hierarchy of the company in question. If you’re particularly interested in top management, you can go directly to C-level via the dedicated tab.

Identify your entry points to an account via your network, or that of a colleague

If you want to attack a particular account, and you already have connections with that account within your network, the tool will suggest entry points, by analyzing your personal network, and that of your colleagues. As far as data quality is concerned, it’s quite impressive: you have access to a goldmine of information.

Nomination also offers you a service integrated into the platform to engage your prospects by email without leaving the tool.

Daily business alerts & personalized lead suggestions.

The tool also features alerts that go far enough to be notified when a target is mentioned in the press, promoted to a new position, or announces that he or she will be speaking at a conference.

In addition, Nomination will make lead suggestions based on your connections, searches and alerts. You can, of course, accept or decline these lead proposals.

Salesdorado’s opinion
Nomination’s database is impressive both in terms of volume and qualifications. Regular updates will enable you to follow developments on the accounts that interest you.

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The Nomination interface is truly designed for B2B sales prospecting

Firmly focused on B2B, Nomination’s tool allows you to benefit from powerful advanced filters. Use these filters to generate highly targeted lead lists based on the following criteria:

  • Function
  • Sector
  • Type of company
  • Profile type
  • Geography

This is where we find all the power of Nomination. Once again, the ultra-qualified database on which the tool is based is impressive. Combined with a well thought-out interface to save your sales team time. Above you’ll find the organization chart for selecting the function you’re interested in. Once again, the number of options available at different hierarchical levels is impressive!

Here’s the result when you add up the various filters, a refined database of prospects that you can :

  • Contact us by email in one click.
  • One-click telephone contact and direct qualification.
  • Add to more massive mailing campaigns. You can manage your own campaigns or request a “Full Service” campaign to get even more results in less time.

Salesdorado’s opinion
The interface is fairly intuitive, with easy access to important information. The ability to filter directly via the “Organizational chart” view is a real plus for your sales force, making it easier to find your way around.

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The CRM connector: all the intelligence of the tool in Salesforce

Nomination has developed a powerful CRM connector that allows you to embed all the intelligence of the tool (organization charts, business opportunities, automatic and permanent updating of your B2B data) directly into the Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics CRM interface.

In just a few clicks, target and import your target accounts into Salesforce, building up your own ultra-qualified database within your CRM. Nomination corrects obsolete data and enriches your CRM with information essential to your prospecting.

The tool for finding and adding leads is also available directly in Salesforce.

Salesdorado tip
Discover our selection of the best Saleforce integrators on the market.


Salesdorado’s opinion
We recommend this approach for solid sales organizations, as it limits the number of interfaces you need to master, and enables you to keep very precise track of your sales actions.

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Getting help

As you can see, Nomination is a complete and powerful tool that will be a major asset for your sales teams. But the solution is also designed to be easy to use and intuitive. If you have any questions, our customer support team will answer you Monday to Friday in French.

A chat module is also available on the application for easy questioning. If support isn’t able to give you an instant answer, they’ll get back to you by email, directly via the application.

In addition, Nomination provides a wealth of resources and best practices to help you make the most of the tool, via the “Resources” tab on the site. For example, read their latest white paper on how to get your business back on track after containment.

Salesdorado’s opinion
Nothing special to report on the support side, responsive and attentive to your needs. Nomination is a French company, which can be an advantage when it comes to ensuring that the support team understands your issues.

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Nomination rates

Nomination offers two different types of subscription:

  • The Sales intelligence offer, which provides access to:
    • Quick and advanced search (targeting)
    • Company file (organization chart, entry point, etc.)
    • Contact form (social selling, engagement function)
    • Business alerts and lead generation
    • My network” view
    • Tracking clickers and openers on your emails
  • The Smart Mailing offer, which gives you access to:
    • Advanced targeting tool
    • Managing prospecting lists
    • The routing platform to send your email campaigns
    • Analysis of email campaigns

Salesdorado’s opinion
Exact prices are available on request, but you can expect very attractive ROI if you already have a well-functioning sales organization and processes in place. This tool is a real performance booster, especially if you integrate it with your CRM tool.

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