Building a Sales Team Guide

Our selection of sales commission management software

Published , Updated 7 mn
Profile picture for Axel Lavergne

Axel Lavergne

Co founder and chief editor

Axel is one of Salesdorado's co-founders. He's also the founder of, a review management tool for B2B SaaS companies

Sales commission management software automates the calculation and tracking of a company’s commissions. It is a tool that must allow you to generate revenue more efficiently by improving the performance of your sales teams(sales enablement) and must adapt to the needs of each of your customers.

It allows its users to create different levels of income for employees based on their performance, beyond the traditional ways of motivating a sales team. It also provides data on their sales commissions, goals and progress towards those goals.

In this article, we offer you a top 10 of the sales commission management software, which work exclusively with sales teams of more than 15 employees!

How to choose the right sales commission management software?

#1 Integrations

The role of sales commission management software is to make your business software, CRM software, HR software, and your entire business data ecosystem communicate with each other to isolate the important data points for calculating commissions.

The integrations are at the heart of these programs, and they are more or less deep, and especially more or less simple to implement. When it comes to integrations, anything is possible. But in how long, and at what cost?

#2 Deploy more complex commissioning plans

To set up effective compensation plans, you need to keep in mind that you are addressing different customers. Incentive plans must therefore be customized to meet individual needs.

The software should not only help you manage your current commissioning plan, but should also be able to help you design more customized and fair commissioning plans.

#3 Communicate better

The sales commission management software should allow you to devise an appropriate communication plan. Your employees will feel more comfortable and secure if your communication plan is transparent and open to their ideas. Inquiry features are particularly useful for identifying employee issues and then resolving them quickly.

A good sales commission management software should also offer simple and automated approval processes. It allows managers to be informed that they need to approve their payments, and then the approval is automatically sent to the next reviewers.

#1 Captivate IQ

One of the leaders in the Enterprise segment

CaptivateIQ is a very easy to set up sales compensation software. It allows you to create different levels of compensation for salespeople based on their performance. You can use it to create a commission structure, or to award a bonus based on sales volume.

CaptivateIQ offers an Excel-like approach to developing sales compensation plans. So it’s very intuitive and familiar to many users. The software allows them to have a real-time overview of their current sales commissions, their goals and their progress towards those goals. CaptivateIQ also offers deep integrations, such as Salesforce, HubSpot, Netsuite, Oracle and MS Dynamics.

Some pages in CaptivateIQ may take a little while to load due to the number of active calculations. Some steps remain manual and integrations with Google Drive are missing. And if you want to test the sales commission software, you should schedule a demo with their team.

#2 Spiff

A cloud-based solution well established in the US

Spiff is a sales compensation software that helps companies build and track their sales compensation plans. It is cloud-based, which means it can be accessed anywhere and on any device, including smartphones. It is a tool that allows you to create and manage customizable sales compensation plans very easily.

Spiff is very easy to use and understand and simply provides all the information you need about your commissions. You can easily track the amount of revenue each of your team members has generated, the total amount of their sales this month, and where they are in terms of reaching their monthly goal. Spiff offers deep integrations, such as Salesforce, HubSpot and Stripe.

However, some types of reports are a bit tricky to execute. You will surely need the help of your MSM so that you can benefit from all the features offered. A simpler alternative is ElevateHQ, one of the more recent Sales Commission Management solutions.

#3 Performio

The best tools for forecasting commissions

Performio is a commission tracking software that offers excellent commission forecasting tools. It allows its users to customize sales compensation plans and commission calculations. It also provides a commission table that presents a complete record of all payments and their corresponding recipients.

Performio predicts the values, results and percentage of achievement related to commission-based compensation. It also offers goal-setting tools for performance tracking and 24-hour support via chat.

But Performio requires a lengthy configuration process and has limited third-party integrations. Users who need an easy-to-configure system may consider Pipedrive, while those who need extensive third-party integrations may consider QCommission or Blitz.

#4 Palette

A new entrant on the market, made in France

Palette is a commission calculation software, the latest on the market, backed by YCombinator, which promises an integration in about two weeks. It is much more powerful than the most traditional solutions of this top, and offers more of a scale-up approach.

Palette offers great integrations, such as Hubspot and Salesforce.

#5 Varicent

An established player and a solid solution

Varicent is a sales compensation software that allows you to create and manage your company’s sales compensation plans. You are free to create new roles, set up performance metrics and configure rewards according to company policy. The software also integrates with other HR and CRM tools to make it easy to track all your customer data in one place. It allows to have an idea of the performance of each employee.

Varicent is a fairly flexible solution for tracking and reporting on incentive payments. The customer support is very good, and the integrations offered are numerous: Salesforce, Hubspot, AgentSync, etc.

However, some users have reported delays in performance reports or problems with insufficient customization of their application workflows. If you wish to adopt Varicent and test the sales commission software, a demonstration with the team should be scheduled.

#6 Quota Path

A great tool with good Salesforce integration

QuotaPath is a sales compensation software that allows you to manage the performance of your sales team and set goals and reward them for meeting them. QuotaPath allows you to have all your data at the same time in one place. It allows users to make informed decisions on how best to motivate your team members to drive revenue growth.

QuotaPath also offers integration with Salesforce, which provides a great overview of where your team is in relation to goals, as well as forecasting and ranking to ensure they stay on track. Customer support is excellent, and there are many integrations available: Salesforce, Hubspot, Close, etc.

The software can be a little difficult to use at times for those who are new to it, but once you get the hang of it, it is a great tool. Some users have reported experiencing issues with their pipeline and forecasting features at times, but most of these issues are resolved by their product or support team.

#7 Xactly Incent

Salesforce partners with several blockbuster apps on the appExchange

Xactly Incent is a sales commission and compensation tracking software that provides companies with better visibility into compensation. It allows you to manage incentive compensation and sales performance. It allows you to have a single view of all your sales compensation management indicators.

Xactly Incent offers an automated, record-based approach that replaces tedious manual processes. It also provides audit trails for transactions, reduces the costs associated with compensation management, facilitates quick and accurate calculations, and provides real-time visibility across your organization. Integration with Xactly Insights allows users to get live information on incentive compensation.

#8 Everstage

The commission automation software that integrates with Slack

Everstage is a software that automates commissions and motivates sales teams by giving them real-time visibility and insight into their commissions. This is a recent solution, used by Postman and Chargebee. It proposes a scale-up approach.

Everstage offers a Slack integration that allows you to motivate your sales team with periodic notifications of their commissions and goal achievement.

#9 Qobra

Another new entrant made in France

Qobra is a variable compensation management software for sales representatives. It is a recent tool, made in France, and part of the French Tech 120. Several companies have adopted it, such as Doctolib and Spendesk.

The team is still small (about 35 employees), but is growing fast and is gradually integrating with other software.

#10 Commissionly

To pay commissions in several steps

Commissionly is an easy-to-use commission tracking software that integrates with a wide range of software, including CRM, accounting, e-commerce, payment processing and recruiting.

It offers many features, such as calculating commission allocation on sales, supporting multiple currencies, multi-level commissions, and processing commission payments when targets are met.

This is a somewhat expensive solution and setting up the system requires technical experience and can take weeks. For those who want a cheaper solution, QCommission can be an interesting alternative.

About the author

Profile picture for Axel Lavergne

Axel is one of Salesdorado's co-founders. He's also the founder of, a review management tool for B2B SaaS companies