CRM Guide

10 tips to maximize your CRM software adoption

Published , Updated 5 mn
Profile picture for Quentin Sureau

Quentin Sureau


Quentin Sureau heads Cartelis, a CRM and Data consulting firm. With almost 10 years of experience, he's helped many clients, from scale-ups to big companies. As a co-founder of Salesdorado, he shares top B2B sales and marketing practices.

The adoption rate is responsible for 70% of CRM project failures. It is therefore fundamental to maximize the adoption of the software within your company to obtain a satisfactory ROI. In this article, ten concrete and proven tips to maximize the adoption of your new CRM software.

#1 Involve CRM end users as soon as possible

Modèle de cahier des charges CRM

On a préparé un modèle de cahier des charges CRM complet avec un exemple détaillé. Le modèle comprend 6 parties:

  • Présentation du contexte
  • Présentation du dispositif CRM actuel
  • Présentation des objectifs du projet
  • Grille des exigences fonctionnelles
  • Détail des besoins non fonctionnels
  • Organisation du projet

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People have a natural tendency to resist change, especially if they don’t see clear benefits to themselves. It’s almost a cliché to say this, but it’s essential to get them involved early on to eliminate all forms of resistance.

For example, you may well organize lunches and meetings where you can demonstrate your new software.

Once you have their attention, ask yourself: how do they interact with the applications/software they use every day?

  • Do they find them easy to use? Where are they stuck?
  • Are they wasting time waiting for systems to respond?
  • How can you leverage the new software to eliminate the interruptions that keep you from selling, solving problems and satisfying customers?

This is the first step in choosing the right CRM solution for your business.

#2 Communicate clearly and in stages

After involving the end users, you now need to have a clear plan and message for implementation. Plan your message to be as clear and consistent as possible, and be sure to cover all key points, including:

  • Why is the new software needed?
  • Why keeping the same is impossible,
  • What’s going to happen,
  • What is the status of the project?
  • A realistic deadline
  • How the success of your project will be measured,
  • etc.

As you can see, clear communication requires precise deadlines associated with precise steps. The important thing is to communicate this.

#3 Create champions

You will also need ways to “sell” your solution to your team. If your new “CRM” becomes synonymous with overtime for your sales people, and it prevents them from calling their prospects, no matter how hard you try, your team will not want to use it.

Appointing a dedicated CRM “champion” can help you bridge the gap. Ideally, your CRM champion is a team leader who understands how your solution will help your team become more productive without increasing workload.

They can also communicate the benefits of your new system in terms they will appreciate.

#4 Train your teams on the new CRM

Modèle de cahier des charges CRM

On a préparé un modèle de cahier des charges CRM complet avec un exemple détaillé. Le modèle comprend 6 parties:

  • Présentation du contexte
  • Présentation du dispositif CRM actuel
  • Présentation des objectifs du projet
  • Grille des exigences fonctionnelles
  • Détail des besoins non fonctionnels
  • Organisation du projet

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Even with the most intuitive interfaces, a CRM platform will only be as good as the people using it. Hire an experienced trainer who can help you create a customized, hands-on educational program.

This will ensure that your employees are comfortable and have their questions answered before they start using the tool.

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>#5 Work on data quality

Users will quickly lose patience and confidence in the platform if they encounter duplicate records or inaccurate information. Make sure that all users are clear on what information to enter, where and how to record it.

#6 Make the new system indispensable

You will also need to get rid of old ways of working once your new CRM is up and running. Consider doing the following:

  • Restrict access to duplicate data sources and systems,
  • Require your salespeople to enter key prospect information into the new CRM on their first sales call,
  • Have salespeople close their opportunities directly in the new CRM.

#7 Think about good integrations

Before making your final choice, select CRM software that connects easily to your other strategic applications. That way, if your marketing team wants to continue working with familiar marketing applications, like Hubspot, they can continue to do so!

Meanwhile, you can automatically pass the prospect’s information to your sales team working in your CRM so they can take effective action later in the buyer’s journey.

A solution that comes with an application directory containing the appropriate integrations can be of enormous benefit.

#8 Customize the user interface


Slow or poorly constructed interfaces only make things worse. This is sometimes the case with some CRM solutions that walk you through their workflow, forcing you to consider more coercive, time-consuming, or costly measures to ensure adoption.

Instead, consider easing your transition and reducing CRM project costs with a more flexible solution. A solution that takes a universal approach and does not expect you to adapt to its workflow, but can be adapted to the way you work.

You can start with a free version of CRM to see if it will be suitable for your daily work.

Modèle de cahier des charges CRM

On a préparé un modèle de cahier des charges CRM complet avec un exemple détaillé. Le modèle comprend 6 parties:

  • Présentation du contexte
  • Présentation du dispositif CRM actuel
  • Présentation des objectifs du projet
  • Grille des exigences fonctionnelles
  • Détail des besoins non fonctionnels
  • Organisation du projet

C’est gratuit, et c’est par là 👇

#9 Integrate your new CRM at the heart of all teams

Your sales team will want to see their leads, opportunities, contacts and accounts in one place. Consider aligning sales, marketing and customer service so they can collaborate on a shared 360-degree view of your customer.

#10 Lead by example

The CRM initiatives that produce the best ROI have the full commitment of the company, starting at the top. Leaders must support the initiative and express their commitment to adopt the selected platform.

You have to set an example! Make a consistent effort using the platform to manage different aspects of the business.

Finally, clearly communicate usage expectations across the organization.

About the author

Profile picture for Quentin Sureau

Quentin Sureau

Directeur @ Cartelis

Quentin Sureau heads Cartelis, a CRM and Data consulting firm. With almost 10 years of experience, he's helped many clients, from scale-ups to big companies. As a co-founder of Salesdorado, he shares top B2B sales and marketing practices.